Monthly Work Day

Goddard Trail Head Goddard Rd (199th St W) & E Santa Fe St, Goddard, Kansas, United States

Check our Facebook page or your e-mail, there may be a chance we start later or even cancel if the weather is bad or super cold!

Monthly Work Day

Goddard Trail Head Goddard Rd (199th St W) & E Santa Fe St, Goddard, Kansas, United States

Check our Facebook page or your e-mail, there may be a chance we start later or even cancel if the weather is bad or super cold!

Monthly Meeting

Monthly meetings are now virtual, via Zoom. Must email for info to log on.

Monthly Meeting

Monthly meetings are now virtual, via Zoom. Must email for info to log on.

Monthly Work Day

Goddard Trail Head Goddard Rd (199th St W) & E Santa Fe St, Goddard, Kansas, United States

Check our Facebook page or your e-mail, there may be a chance we start later or even cancel if the weather is bad or super cold!

Monthly Work Day

Goddard Trail Head Goddard Rd (199th St W) & E Santa Fe St, Goddard, Kansas, United States

Check our Facebook page or your e-mail, there may be a chance we start later or even cancel if the weather is bad or super cold!

Monthly Meeting

Monthly meetings are now virtual, via Zoom. Must email for info to log on.

2022 Walnut Valley Metric

Winfield 200 E 9th Ave, Winfield, KS, United States

The 2022 routes travel through scenic Cowley County on gently rolling hills and lightly traveled secondary roads. Registration includes SAGs and lunch at Liberty Township School House. The online auction […]

Monthly Work Day

Goddard Trail Head Goddard Rd (199th St W) & E Santa Fe St, Goddard, Kansas, United States

Check our Facebook page or your e-mail, there may be a chance we start later or even cancel if the weather is bad or super cold!

Monthly Meeting

Monthly meetings are now virtual, via Zoom. Must email for info to log on.