Celebrate Trails Day

Prairie Sunset Trail & 279th St 1700-1600 S 279th St W, Garden Plain, KS, United States

Join us for the dedication of memorial benches for Bob Lavelle and Bobby Thompson. Location: Prairie Sunset Trail and 279th st. Times: Optional bike ride starts at 10:00am in Goddard. Ride to covered bridge (six miles) then ride back to 279th street for the dedication, returning back by bike to Goddard. Optional Jog or Walk […]

Memorial Bench Dedication

Linear Park 108 N Main St, Goddard, KS, United States

Location: Goddard picnic shelter 12 noon for Wanda Groves & Janice Mowat

Online Bicycle Auction

Prairie Travelers and the Andover Augusta Rail Trail Initiative are teaming up for the Oz Wicked Wind virtual auction, to benefit the Prairie Sunset Trail and the Redbud Trail. Bid on these special deals from the comfort of your home. Items will be on display at the Oz Wicked Wind 100k on May 15. Visit […]

Monthly Meeting

Monthly meetings are now virtual, via Zoom. Must e-mail prairietravelers@yahoo.com for info to log on.

Monthly Work Day

Goddard Trail Head Goddard Rd (199th St W) & E Santa Fe St, Goddard, Kansas, United States

Check our Facebook page or your e-mail, there may be a chance we start later or even cancel if the weather is bad or super cold!

Oz Wicked Wind 100K

Lake Afton 25513 West 39th St S, Goddard, Kansas, United States

May 15, 2022 Lake Afton @ Shelter #1 Goddard Kansas   Tentative Routes: 25 Mile (road) 62 Mile (road) 32 Mile (gravel) 44 Mile (gravel)   Register now Prairie Travelers and the Andover Augusta Rail Trail Initiative are teaming up for the Oz Wicked Wind virtual auction, to benefit the Prairie Sunset Trail and the […]

Monthly Meeting

Monthly meetings are now virtual, via Zoom. Must email prairietravelers@yahoo.com for info to log on.

Monthly Work Day

Goddard Trail Head Goddard Rd (199th St W) & E Santa Fe St, Goddard, Kansas, United States

Check our Facebook page or your e-mail, there may be a chance we start later or even cancel if the weather is bad or super cold!

Monthly Work Day

Goddard Trail Head Goddard Rd (199th St W) & E Santa Fe St, Goddard, Kansas, United States

Check our Facebook page or your e-mail, there may be a chance we start later or even cancel if the weather is bad or super cold!

Monthly Meeting

Monthly meetings are now virtual, via Zoom. Must email prairietravelers@yahoo.com for info to log on.